Usage of the mail sorter bag
Mail sorting bags are being used to send documents, parcels, safety goods etc.. . Unique on the mail sorter bag is that it stays automatically opened in the mail sorter. This means that the documents, which need to be send, are not first sorted in the mail sorter and afterwards relocated into the mail bag, but are immediately sorted in the mail bag. = SAVING TIME & MONEY
Minimal loss of space
The special folding system of the Krautz mail sorter bag is specially developed so it folds together when the bag is empty. This saves space in the storage and return transport.
Flip-Over address window
Krautz uses a special address window if the postbag is being used to send post between two fix addresses. If the head office of a bank for example use the same bag to send post to a certain office and back, the bag is produced with a flip-over address window. Both addresses are being placed fix in this window so they just flip the address to were the bag needs to be sand.
Mail sorter bags in mail room
The pictures below show the mail sorter bags in the mail room. The mail sorter bags are standing open automatically in the mail sorter so the mail, post or documents can easily be placed in the mail sorter bag. Ones the mail sorted, the filled postbag can be closed, taken out of the mail sorter and transported to the destination. Easy and fast.
Tailor made production
All the mail sorter postbags are tailor made according to dimensions, colors, etc...